Our Partners
Coeur d’Alene Area EDC (Jobs Plus)
The Coeur d’Alene Area Economic DevelopmentCorporation (CdAEDC) is a nonprofit, public-private partnership that recruits new businesses and assists existing companies that want to increase operations in Northern Idaho. CdAEDC/Jobs Plus was formed in 1987 with the mission to enlarge and diversify the economic and employment base of Kootenai County while maintaining the quality of life that is synonymous with our area.
Their website, www.cdaedc.org, features the services they provide to businesses interested in moving into the area or expanding their existing operations, along with a listing of companies that have relocated to the area. It also highlights key operational reasons why businesses succeed in the area, tax advantages, and financial resources available for businesses, along with information on the exceptional quality of life that helps businesses retain and recruit talent for their organizations.
The Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce has many REALTOR® members who are ready to assist you. Find one of our realtor members using our business search tab. To search for properties, and general information on buying or selling a home, visit the Coeur d’Alene Association of Realtors at cdarealtors.com.

Starting a Business in Idaho?
Visit the Business Wizard at www.idahobizhelp.org to obtain a customized checklist of local, state, and federal taxes and regulations that may affect your business. You will also find information on licenses and permits, employee issues, as well as information on registering your business name and entity type in Idaho.
This website is brought to you by the combined efforts of more than 20 local, state, and federal agencies. It was funded by a grant from the USDA Rural Development, Rural Business-Cooperative Service.

Panhandle Area Council
The Panhandle Area Council Inc. (PAC) is a nonprofit certified economic development corporation organized to aid in diversifying and stabilizing the area’s economy. The council serves the five northern counties of Idaho and assists small businesses in their startup or expansion.

Small Business Development Center
NIC’s Idaho Small Business Development Center (Idaho SBDC) offers confidential, no-cost business coaching and low-cost training to business leaders to help their businesses thrive and grow. An Independent study indicates Idaho SBDC clients outperform their peers by over 700%. The SBDC is located in the Hedlund Building, Suite 145 on the North Idaho College Campus, 420 North College Drive.

Idaho SBDC services include:
- Improving your business margin and profit
- Hiring winners and improving your leadership
- Expanding your business successfully
- Reaching new markets effectively
- Improving your business operations
- Taking new technology/invention to market
- Gaining capital to launch or grow your business
- Buying/selling your business
- Exit strategy
- Exporting to global markets
- Thinking about starting a business
Strategic Partner Organizations
The Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber currently shares office space and works closely with a few local nonprofit organizations.
The intent of our partnerships is to support and cross-promote the missions of each of these organizations which help promote a healthy and strong community.
Arts & Culture Alliance
Directed by Abby Light: (208) 964-6324, abby@artsandculturecda.org
Promotes the arts and cultural activities of Coeur d’Alene, the A&C hosts ArtWalk, the Artists Studio Tour, Kids Draw Architecture, Music for the Wise, Music Walk, the Riverstone Summer Concert Series, and Art from the Heart, as well as provides valuable networking for arts organizations and artists in the monthly Arts Buzz meeting.
Separate membership dues required. Board meets the 4th Friday of each month, 8:00 a.m. at the chamber.

Connect Kootenai
Directed by Greta Gissel: 208-620-1264
Connect Kootenai is a community-based project created to develop a vision for a bright future for greater Coeur d’Alene – and a plan on how to get there.
We invite your participation.
Over the past year Connect Kootenai has received input from thousands of community members to develop a shared vision and a plan to make that vision a reality.
Board meets the 3rd Friday of every other month, 8:00 a.m. at the chamber.

Coeur d’Alene Downtown Association
Directed by Emily Boyd, Executive Director: (208) 667-5986
The DTA represents the businesses in the Downtown Improvement District (DID). Promotes Downtown Cd’A as the vibrant heart of our community.
Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, 8:00 a.m. at the chamber.

Coeur d’Alene Convention and Visitors Bureau
Directed by Mark Robitaille: (208) 415-0114
Works to bring more visitors to the Coeur d’Alene area, encourages repeat visits and prolonged length of stay for all visitors. Additional dues are required to participate. Membership meets annually.
Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month, 12:00 p.m. at the Coeur d’Alene Resort.

North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation
Directed by Tabitha Kraack-Bonner: (208) 292-1634
The North Idaho Centennial Trail offers 24 miles of accessibility to walkers, runners and bicyclists of all ages and abilities. A unique asset to the Inland Northwest, the trail connects the communities of Coeur d’Alene and Spokane.
The North Idaho Centennial Trail Foundation oversees the maintenance, stewardship and improvement of the trail and acts as the voice of the citizens regarding trail issues in the area.
Board meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:30 a.m. at the chamber.

Innovia Foundation
Program Officer Collette Jarvelin: (208) 292-1644
As the community foundation for Eastern Washington and North Idaho, Innovia Foundation partners with people who want to improve their communities and make the world better.
They work together to identify and respond to our region’s greatest opportunities, help those in need, and leave a lasting impact.